1 Scam Reports

Fake Returns Scam


I found a crypto trading group that was proving great results. Too good to be true of course. You just have to open an apexnumber account, deposit $100k, upgrade to VIP account, and earn a ton of money, and only pay 5% commission to the copy trader. In about 1 month, my account was already at $1M. Then quickly $2.25. I was ready to pull out some money for the first time! I went to do so, and they tricked me with hidden fees and a "bonus". The bonus of $250k was immediately deposited into your apexnumber account, and now it is frozen until I can pay back the $250k bonus back to apexnumber, outside of apexnumber app. (So I have to come up with $250k to pay apex, so I can have access back to my account. I cannot use any of the $2.5M in my account.) I started a 2nd account to hopefully get around this. Stupid me. Just wanted to earn a quick $250k, so I could pay that, and get access to my $2.5M sitting there. Come to find out from another member in the group, there is a 10% fee you have to pay once your account reaches $1M, to access your funds. (apex or my trader did not tell me this, just another member I connected with). So on top of the $250k bonus I need to repay, once I do that, they will require another $250k for 10% fee that they claim is for taxes? (yeah right). After a bit of research, it appears this is about the time they stop responding, and I don't expect to see my $200k back. I pulled my wallet number from blockchain.com, to find there is only $1300 in both my accounts. (not $2.5M and $100k like my apexnumber account says). Needless to say, I feel like a total idiot I fell for this. I felt like I did enough due diligence, but was blinded by all the success I was seeing from fake profiles. All the red flags are so obvious now. $200k later.

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